First Release: 1979 Canada
You Gave Me A Mountain / The Impossible Dream
1979 Canada
Label / Catalog no.: Victor Collector Series RCA 2719
Date / Country produced: 1979 Canada
Manufactured: Manufactured and distributed in Canada by RCA limited
Copies: -
Value (source): ? Euro (?)
Package: Full color cardboard sleeve
Format: 7" vinyl single, 45rpm, jukebox-centre
Total tracks/time: 2 tracks, 5:32

      A side:       B side:
Tracks:You Gave Me A Mountain The Impossible Dream
Time, Mono/Stereo:3:09 Stereo 2:23 Stereo
Publisher:Noma Music Inc. / Mujava Music Sam Fox Pub. Co.
Rights Society: BMI ASCAP
Label code:- -
Matrix runout etched:ECA-2719-H D.TO BG RCA -2719-H D.TO BG
From the Canadian 'Victor Collectors' Series'.

The runout matrix number on the B-side is the H erased and replaced by a T.
'You Gave Me A Mountain' is recorded on January 14, 1973 (not 1972)
at Honolulu, Hawaii for the Satellite Sprcial.
More vinyl with one of the above tracks:

First Release: 1979 Canada