First Release: 1979 USA
Baby Let's Play House / My Baby Is Gone
1979 USA (Bootleg)
Label / Catalog no.: SUN Records U-143
Date / Country produced: 1979 USA
Manufactured: -
Copies: ?
Value (source): ? Euro (?)
Package: Standard SUN reproduction paper sleeve, original missing
Format: 7" vinyl single, 45rpm, jukebox-centre
Total tracks/time: 2 tracks, ?

      A side:       B side:
Tracks:Baby Let's Play House My Baby Is Gone
Time, Mono/Stereo:? Mono ? Mono
Publisher:Excellorec Hi-Lo Music
Rights Society: BMI BMI
Label code:-
Matrix runout etched:101-A4 101-BT
Year and country of release are not confirmed.
Both sides has the phrase 'PROMOTIONAL COPY - NOT FOR SALE' on the label.
This release has nothing to do with SUN, RCA and/or BMG.
'My Baby Is Gone' is the slow alternate version of 'I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone'.
On the label is not the name of Elvis, only his middle name 'Aaron' and the first letter of his last name.

First Release: 1979 USA