First Release: 2023-11 Denmark
Burning Love
2023-11 Denmark
Label / Catalog no.: Follow That Dream Records 506020-975181, RCA EPA-1972
Date / Country produced: 2023-11 Denmark
Manufactured: Sony Music Entertainment
Value (source): -
Package: Full color cardboard sleeve.
Format: 7" vinyl ep, 33rpm, juke-box centre
Total tracks/time: 4 tracks, ?

      Tracks:       Time, Mono/Stereo:
Side 1: 1. Burning LoveStereo
2. It's A Matter Of TimeStereo
Side 2: 1. For The Good TimesStereo
2. Where Do I Go From HereStereo
      Side 1:       Side 2:
Rights Society: NCB NCB
Label code: G2 WH-1854 G2 WH-1855
Matrix runout etched:NR 22 07 00 063 - A1 J.C. 2022 NR 22 07 00 063 - B1 J.C. 2022
EP comes from the FTD book
"Now In Person 1972".

First Release: 2023-11 Denmark